Right to Know

Bristol Township School District



September 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Your child’s school receives Title I funding and is included under the regulations of the Every Child Succeeds Act, signed by President Obama in 2015. 


Under ESSA, parents have a right to request professional qualifications of their children’s teacher(s) or paraprofessional(s). This letter is to inform you of your rights to ask for the following information about your children’s classroom teachers or paraprofessionals:

Whether Pennsylvania has licensed the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.

Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which Pennsylvania licensing criteria have been waived.

The teacher’s baccalaureate degree major and whether the teacher has any advance degrees, and if so, the subject of the degrees.

Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.


Federal law also requires us to let you know when a teacher who doesn’t have a certain set of credentials teaches your child for four consecutive weeks.  If this should occur, you will be notified by the administrator in charge of the building.

If you would like to receive specific information about your child’s teacher or paraprofessional, please contact your school principal.


Our district is fully committed to the success of your child. We appreciate your

partnership in our efforts to provide the best education for your child.  If you

have any questions in regard to the above information, please feel free to

contact me at 267-599-2015.



Amy Coleman,
Director of Curriculum and Instruction

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