Flexible Instruction Days

Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs)  

Bristol Township School District has received approval from the PA Department of Education to utilize Flexible Instruction Days (FID) as an alternate approach to delivering instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction in customary manner. The District may utilize the FID program when schools cannot open due to inclement weather (i.e. "snow day") or any emergency, such as a power outage.  

When the Superintendent determines to utilize a FID, students will complete learning activities and assignments remotely instead of in school.  

A FID will count as an instructional day for students, and the District may utilize up to five (5) FIDs in a school year.  

Criteria for a FID day

The District may utilize the FID program when schools cannot open due to inclement weather (i.e. "snow day") or any emergency, such as a power outage.  


When a FID will be utilized, the Superintendent will communicate via the phone and email utilizing the all call alert system and specify if a flexible instruction day is being used. This decision will be made by 5:00 a.m.

Staff Expectations

Asynchronous assignments will be posted for the day by the start of the school day. Assignments will be posted for each subject area scheduled for that day. Assignments are intended to be learning experiences directly aligned with topics students have been working on.  All teachers and professional staff members will be available via e-mail during the typical school hours. Emails for assistance will be answered promptly. This includes special area teachers such as music, art, physical education, technology, special education, reading specialists, school counselors, nurses, and therapists, unless the individual is not working that day.

Elementary staff(Click link to review)

Secondary staff (Click link to review)

Staff contact information is to be posted clearly on the platform (See Saw /Canvas) so that students and parents can access it. Staff is expected to be available virtually to their students and administrators during regular school hours as their schedule dictates.

Student Expectations

Asynchronous assignments will be posted on See Saw for elementary school students and on Canvas for middle and high school students. Students must complete all assigned work for the day. Students are expected to spend the required amount of time to complete assignments as they would in school. Students will contact their teacher if they need support with the assignments for that day.

For elementary students, synchronous instruction time can be held from 9:15 - 10:00 for Kindergarten and First Grade, 10:00 - 10:45 for Second and Third Grade, and 10:45 - 11:30 for Fourth and Fifth Grade. If the teacher has posted a Google Meet link in a Seesaw message for you, please log onto Google Meet at the appropriate time. 

Assignments for students with special needs will be developed utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction and supplementary aids and services identified in their individualized education plans. Any related services (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech, etc.), which are unable to be provided asynchronously on the FID, will be rescheduled according to the frequency requirements of the students' individualized education plan.

Parent Expectations

If you do not have access to the internet at home, please contact our IT department to make arrangements to pick up a hot spot.

BTSD Technology Help Desk  or 267-599-2088

Students are on a continuum of independence. Please provide the appropriate amount of monitoring that your child needs. Teachers are available during school hours by email for assistance.  For elementary students, please check if they have a Google Meet link in their messages and provide assistance for them in connecting if needed. 

Attendance Guidelines

To be considered in attendance for the day, students will log into their SeeSaw/Canvas account to complete assignments provided by the teacher(s). Families experiencing problems with Internet connectivity must contact the classroom teacher to notify them of the issue. Please make arrangements with the teacher to make up the work.   Any student who does not log onto and complete their assignments or return their completed written work will be marked absent for that day.  Work should be completed and submitted.

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