Elementary Curriculum News and Announcements

Elementary Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Document 

The elementary schools are in year 2 of implementing a tiered system of support for our students. Our hope is that through offering extra time during the school day and specific targeted instruction based on needed skills, we can meet students needs and prevent referrals to special education. This document helps to outline our system of instruction and additional supports. Please don't hesitate to speak to an administrator if you have a question about how the system works. 

  • MTSS stands for a multi-tiered system of supports. It’s a framework used to give targeted
    support to struggling students.
  • MTSS is designed to help schools identify struggling students early and intervene quickly. It
    focuses on the “whole child.”
  • That means it supports academic growth, but other areas too.
  • These include behavior, social and emotional needs, and absenteeism (not attending
  • The goal of MTSS is to intervene early so students can close any gaps.
    It screens all students and aims to address academic and behavior challenges.
  • DOCUMENT - It is a "working document" so occasionally we do update and make changes to this document.

Clever Login 

Students who wish to access their online learning applications over the summer can access them from home on their personal devices. Students will need to sign into their Clever accounts.

Use the following link: https://clever.com/in/bristolsd

Then click on "Login with Google" to sign in. They should use their school id and password.

Elementary Report Card Parent Letter - December 2022

Technology Insurance 
Please watch this short video  if you need help purchasing technology insurance for your student. 

iReady math and reading universal screener scheduled for K-5 students

Attention BTSD families with students in kindergarten through 5th grade: Your child will be taking the iReady math diagnostic sometime during the period of January 10-28. 
The diagnostic is NOT a graded test; rather, it is a tool to help your child's teacher better understand your child's strengths and challenges in math and help your child succeed.
To learn more:
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