Guidelines for Community Behavioral and Mental Health Personnel Serving Students in School Settings
The Bristol Township School District seeks to work with providers of community behavioral and mental health services to provide support to children in its schools. To ensure the open and collaborative relationship that is essential to a successful interagency partnership, all providers of behavioral and mental health services to children during school hours in public school settings are required to follow the documented procedures below. Theses procedures help use to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. By following these established procedures, we safeguard our students' welfare and maintain a conducive and supportive atmosphere for their growth and development.
If your child has an outside service provided that would like to provide support in the school setting please reach out to your child's guidance counselor so they can review the process and set up an interagency meeting.
All clearances listed below must be on file both in the school and in Human Resources prior to any services being delivered in the school setting.
*Clearances must be within 5 years while working with the same company.
Needed Clearances: (Act 34,Act 151,Act 114)
Guidelines for outside services
Guideline for the Provision of Private Duty Nurses
Private Duty Nurses from outside healthcare agencies are accepted in the Bristol Township School District consistent with and contingent on compliance with these procedures. Provision of this service in the school setting is determined by outside homecare/insurance agencies and is not a reflection on the ability of the school to render services to the student; nor does the allowance of such services constitute an acknowledgement by the district that the service is educationally necessary. A decision made by the homecare/insurance agency that private duty nursing services are no longer necessary for a student will in no way obligate the district to provide the same or similar service.
Private Duty Nursing Services Procedures and Agreement