President James Patrick Morgan, III
[email protected]

Jim Morgan has served on the Bristol Township School Board since 2018. He has been president since December, 2019.
When COVID closed our schools, Jim volunteered every day to distribute lunch and breakfast to our students. He was a favorite of many students when they came to pick up their lunch.
Vice President Ms. Donna L. Kelly
[email protected]

Donna L Kelly moved to Bristol Township back in 1997 from the City of Philadelphia, where she was born and raised and has not left. Her passion has always been in the Financial Industry as she attended College for her Accounting degree, working in the banking industry, mortgage lending, co-owning and operating an auto repair and gasoline service station, and for the last 25 years in Title Insurance and Real Estate business.
Donna has been serving on the Bristol Township School District since 2020, being re-elected for her 2nd Four-year term in November 2023. She is also serving on the Finance/Operating Committee and on the Bucks County Technical High School board of directors (where her grandson is a most recent graduate).
“I am proud to have been involved in the recent sales of several of the old school buildings and the most recent renovation and upgrade of the Benjamin Franklin Middle School, which moved students from the now closed FDR middle school. This has allowed the children of the community a new and improved updated facility and have a better educational experience. As a member of the decision making regarding these improvements, we have also worked to keep our taxes from being raised."
Mrs. Kellie A. Buchanan
[email protected]
Kellie Buchanan has been a proud member of the Board since 2016. She and her husband have been homeowners in Bristol Township since 2001. She was born and raised in the district and attended James Buchanan, Neil Armstrong, and Harry S Truman. She has three children. Her son, Jimmy, is a Conwell Egan graduate, and her daughter, Julianna, is a Truman class of 2020 graduate. Her youngest is a freshman at Truman.
Kellie is a graduate of Penn State University with a bachelor's degree in Administration of Justice. Currently, Kellie is a stay-at-home mom and very active in the community. Kellie volunteers for and supports local teams that her children played for and has volunteered at their schools as PTO Board member and classroom.
“My children are my greatest achievement, and this is why I accepted the appointment to the Bristol Township School Board in Sept of 2016. I am proud to be part of this important decision making process. I appreciate the opportunity to continue to add ideas, insight, and suggestions that will improve and enhance our district, not only for my children, but for all of our children. I believe it is our responsibility to give our children the best education and resources possible.
As a member of the School Board, my goals are to bridge a gap between our schools, community and the School Board. It is imperative that we work together, listen to each other, and build communication. I will work to keep costs and spending down to keep taxes from going up. And also ensure that the many programs that our district provides, that greatly benefit our students, remain intact.”
Mrs. Krystle Eakin-Chebly
[email protected]
Krystle Eakin-Chebly is an honorably discharged army veteran, who served active duty as a military police officer. She is an honors graduate from Bucks County Community College with an Associate’s Degree in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, and currently assists her husband with his small business. Krystle has a son that attends school in the district and has been very active in the community with regard to involvement in youth athletics and volunteering at school book fairs and holiday shops.
"I look forward to dedicating my time to the school board, and helping students continue to be the main focus and working toward providing them with the quality of education they deserve."
Mrs. Amanda Geist
[email protected]
Amanda Geist is passionate about public education. She is a parent of two Bristol Township students and has been on the Board almost as long as her oldest has been in school.
She has dedicated herself, through her career as a teacher in the School District of Philadelphia, to do the work that public schools guarantee: provide a meaningful education to all.
As a member of the Bristol Township School Board, she sees it as her duty to continue to advocate and protect public education so that all of the district’s students have access to what they need to succeed and to ensure they reach graduation prepared to take the next steps to fulfil their goals.
Mrs. Stacy Gerlach
[email protected]
Stacy Gerlach was previously a member of the Bristol Township School Board of Directors for twelve years, serving on a variety of committees during her tenure. She was born and raised in Levittown, is an alumnus of Truman High School and the Bucks County Tech School's Nursing Program. Gerlach is employed at RHA Health Services where she serves individuals with various abilities as an IDD Vocational Supervisor.
“I look forward to returning to the Board temporarily and working with my fellow Directors and the administration to move the schools forward and promote student achievement,” Gerlach stated as her work on the Board commences.
Mr. Christopher Harkins
[email protected]
Chris Harkins was born in Lower Bucks Hospital over 40 years ago and has spent the majority of his life living in Bristol Township. He is a graduate of Pennco Tech with a degree in Electronic Engineering, which has provided him a successful and rewarding career in the electronics and defense industry.
He is raising a family with his wife and has two wonderful daughters, both being educated by the Bristol Township School District. His wife, Elizabeth, is a graduate of the Community College of Philadelphia and is a dental hygienist. She was a senior in high school when they started dating and they have been together ever since, supporting each other through school, careers and now, family life. Elizabeth is also an active attendee of Mill Creek’s PTC and enjoys volunteering at school events.
Chris believes that Bristol Township is a great place to live and raise a family, and that its schools have an incredible amount of value to offer the students. He is active in helping the community and is a current member of the Bristol Township Planning Commission.
Ms. Constance R. Moore
[email protected]
Constance R. Moore has served on the Bristol Township School Board for eight years. Constance is deeply rooted in the community. She was born and raised in Bristol Township and is a graduate of Bristol Township School District.
Constance is a dedicated and active member of the community. She serves on several Boards and committees including the Bucks County Free Library Board as a director, Kamp for Kids as a trustee, and is a 5-2 committee person. She is a member of the Norton Ave First Baptist Church and a Girl Scout leader. She has dedicated her life to serving her community.
Constance is an avid advocate for fair funding for all in public education, and more restrictive regulations and guidelines for charter/cyber schools. She is working to develop a stronger partnership between the Bucks County Library and Bristol Township schools to enhance academic opportunities for students. Her work on the School Board is focused on continuing to improve the infrastructure in the school district.
Mr. Gallus J. Obert
[email protected]
Gallus has served on the Bristol Township School Board since May 2019. He has been an area resident for 65 years now.
Gallus is a retired engineer from Ingersol Rand Corp. where he worked for 30 years and has resided in Bristol Township with his wife, Gail, for the last 23 years.
Gallus also serves on the Bucks County Technical High School (BCTHS) Board.
As a Board member, he serves on several committees including Finance, Operations, Negotiations, Safety, and is the township liaison to the Board.
Gallus is proud of the township and school district's recent renaissance with the addition of three new elementary schools providing state-of-the-art education facilities with a goal of continuous improvement throughout the district.