
Elementary Parent Academy


Curriculum 2024-2025 Presentation - Bristol Townships School District students use learning materials and resources to learn in all content areas: ELA, writing, math, science, social studies, and STEAM. Our curriculum is research-based, and aligns with the Pennsylvania Department of Educational Standards.


MTSS stands for Multi-Tiered System of Supports, and it helps schools give students the help they need to do their best. It’s a way to find kids who might be struggling and give them extra support early on. MTSS doesn’t just help with schoolwork—it also helps with behavior, social skills, and making sure students come to school regularly. All students are checked to see how they’re doing, and kids who need help get it through different levels of support. For example, if a student starts in a small group but still needs more help, they might work one-on-one with a teacher or in a smaller group. The goal is to make sure every child gets what they need to succeed.
MTSS Handbook - A guide for all educators, administrators and staff to help support students improve in academic, behavior, and attendance areas.
MTSS Brochure - A quick introduction to our approach to supporting all students learning needs.
MTSS Podcast -Explains how MTSS supports all learners.
DEVELOPING A MATHEMATICAL MINDSET Developing a Mathematical Mindset Presentation - Explains the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, and how parents/guardians can support a growth mindset at home.
WIT & WISDOM READING Wit & Wisdom Curriculum - A comprehensive K–8 English language arts curriculum crafted to help students build the knowledge and skills they need to be successful readers.

Library News Presentation - Explains changes to the elementary library program, including information about what students will learn in the library and how the search feature works. 

JANUARY - Winter Stories
- "There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow" featuring Mrs. Landman
DECEMBER - Frosty Fables and Holiday Cheer
- "Christmas" featuring Rudolph
- "Where's Prancer?" featuring Santa
- "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" featuring the Grinch

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